Monday, February 14, 2011

Participatory workshop

Today we had participatory workshop day. First in action was group 4, Taipei River urbanism. When we got in to the class, they gave us a piece of paper which contained our group number and our role in this groupwork. My role was a local fisherman and in first assigment I had to think where he would like to live in Taipei if he can choose. In second assigment we were given a number of chips, which we had to put on some important sectors to represent what would be important for each person that we represented. Different roles that we represented had different amount of chips like in real life some have less some have more. In third assigment we had the opportunity to rethink Taipei city.The task was to rebuild Taipei the way we wanted.
I think  this group gave us clear view that there are many different stakeholders in urban areas and they all  have different views. Groupworks were very good organized and a fun way to learn.

Group 1  - sustainable campus -waste management was next to represent their work. First they gave us a lot of information on their subject. First assigment was a quiz about waste management. Their second assigment for us was a group work where we had to think about waste management. We had in our tables different kind of waste and we had to put them in right places in waste management like biomass, hazardous waste, mixed waste and energy waste. This work gave me a lot of information about waste management and it insipired people in the groupwork to discuss. Group gave us info sheet about waste management which I found useful.

Then it was time for our workshop. First we put people to think about their knowlegde about nanomaterials. In  second task we show people different kind of materials and asked them if they think these would include nanomaterials or can be produced to nanomaterial. Third part in our workshop was a video about nanomaterials and power point slides on subject. In our last groupwork we got people to think about what would be the best way to get information about our subject. By this way we gathered information on methods that we can use to reach peoples thoughts. Each member in our group had done their part of the work very well and I think we did great work :) I think we also got good feedback and everyone had fun.
Tomorrow we will meet again with our group members and discuss about outcome of our workshop.

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